Who’s Done More to Help Humanity? Bill Gates or Mother Teresa
1. Dinesh D’Souza, The Virtue of Prosperity: Finding Values in an Age of Techno-Affluence (New York: Touchstone, 2001 [2000]), p. 127.
Who has done more to eradicate poverty and suffering in the Third World, Bill Gates or Mother Teresa? To the extent that he has placed the power of information technology at the disposal of millions of people, the obvious answer is Gates.
2. “Poverty: Frequently Asked Questions,” Capitalism.org.
Who is the poor man better off under: Mother Teresa or Bill Gates? A Mother Teresa . . . hands them bowls of slop every day, so they can barely exist . . . [A] . . . Bill Gates . . . creates a fortune for himself by helping others to create fortunes for themselves . . . Where the first feeds [people] for a day, the second helps [people] feed themselves.
3. David Kelley, “Kelley on [sic] Reflects on Stossel’s Greed,” Navigator (Objectivist Center), February 1998.
Michael Milken was a greater benefactor of mankind than Mother Teresa.
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